In reply to:

Yeah, you just place that burden on a few brave people who work for the police. This is the same sort of hypocrasy with people who condemn hunting because of animal cruelty then they goto the supermarket to buy some fresh meat. You just don't want to get your hands dirty.

Er, yeah. Precisely my point. I want the people who are trained in weapons handling, and understand the nature of the situations that they put themselves in to be responsible. Absolutely couldn't agree more.

Ask yourself this, who do you want to uphold the law in your country - the Police force (committed, trained experts in this stuff), or Joe Public? You seem to be advocating some sort of Anarchy.

The idea of people in the general public making that sort of choice scares me stupid. Most of the Joe Public I know have trouble driving properly, I don't want to know what sort of insane decisions they are going to make with a lethal weapon in their hand.

Can you really say that most/all/any of the people who own guns in the US are correctly and properly trained in both the usage of the weapon and have the mental faculties or training to cope with making the right choice when deciding wether or not to kill someone?

I also think that there is a world apart from hunting and the way that meat ends up in the shop. That's a absurd comparison.

In reply to:

And by the way, I won't be making the life or death choice if someone breaks into my house. The thief will make that choice for himself.

No, that's incorrect. Do you think that the thief WANTS to break into your house? They obviously feel that it's worth the risk for whatever reason. You are the one pointing a gun at them, you are the one deciding if they live or die. You have the choice.

Also, refer back to the original part of this thread, some people were talking about killing people in their house, no discussion, no thought, BAM. That's a really scary attitude.

IIRC, that d33zY, you were the one showing off your Uzi's in another thread as well, so I suspect that we'll just have to agree to differ.

Paul Haigh, Reg. 4120 (mk1) 6GB, Blue, 00254 (mk2) 12GB, Red, 00357