No. There are certainly a number of people who tout that as the reason they don't want to give up their weapons, but, in all honesty, these are probably also the people who best know how to handle guns, other than the true whackjob few.

The biggest problem is probably unrestricted access to guns. There's no requirement that a person who purchases a gun from a licensed dealer do anything to sell it to someone else. I'm sure it'd be illegal for them to sell it to a felon, but pretty much anything else goes. So I could conceivably buy a gun, getting the permit and waiting however long the law requires and then go the next day and sell it to some other person. There are more laws restricting the sale of cars.

I believe the reason that England, for example, works well in banning handguns is that it's hard to get one at all, I'm guessing because those laws have been in place long enough for the guns not to proliferate and that it's geographically small enough to effectively control distribution. On the other hand, the US was born in gun violence and the populace has come to expect that they exist. I also feel like the wide open spaces of the US has something do do with the mindset of the people that live there, too. Of course, that doesn't explain all the gun violence in the big, crowded cities.

Eh, what do I know? I lost my train of thought, at any rate.

Edited by wfaulk (12/12/2003 16:24)
Bitt Faulk