Cushman, this is not directed at you, but you were the last post, so...

The only thing I wish the player would do is be able to randomize more than 1 playlist. Say for example that I'm listening to 80's, but also want the onion tracks thrown in for fun. As it is now, I can open the 80's playlist and have fun, open the Onion playlist ans insert it. All of a sudden, I have 1000 80's songs, with 200 Onion snippets stuck in the middle. It will NOT randomize all of them together. When it gets to the Onion bits, it'll play all 200 in a row. Randomized, but before it ever plays another 80's song.

This also happens a lot when I want to listen to the 60's AND 70's. No way to do it. Unless I create another playlist that has both groups in it. But with the number of possible combinations, there is no way to predict what mood I'll be in.

I mean, If I wanted to listen to Pink Floyd, Rush, and Zeppelin I have to either pick one, and listen to that group, then pick another, listen to that group, then pick the third.... It would totally rock if I could just add all 3 and let it randomize.