I don't believe you.

You are not obliged to believe me.

I guess I would separate "selfish","amoral", "sociopathic" and some other terms from "insane", but I think psychiatrists dicker about this all the time. I think "insane" generally means not in touch with reality (and maybe hearing voices of people who don't excist, for example), but then you get into the whole reality thing.

I think my main point is that reducing all of theis to "insane" or "crazy" doesn't get us anywhere -- fighting an asymmetric war against ununiformed enemy has generally been a losing proposition short of complete incineration of all involved territories -- doesn't help us figure out what is going on or how to deal with it.

Almost anything I've ever argued is derivative. In this case I think I'd need to volunteer the footnote to Mike "Anonymous" Scheuer's _Imperial Hubris_.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.