Originally Posted By: hybrid8
It always amazes me that people come up with these elaborate theories and explanations. Can't it be as simple as the iPhone is a well-liked product by a large number of people? Yeah, I suppose that's preposterous. The iPhone can't possibly do as well as it has been simply because it's a great product.

Both you and Tom seem to be applying my comments to all prior iPhones for some reason, even though I didn't say anything to imply that. I was only talking about the 4S.

Yes, it could be because the 4S a great product, but why is this phone selling so many MORE units than others did? The average consumer doesn't see it as a major update because it looks the same. They don't know about A4 vs A5 (aside from "it's one better, right?"), and while Siri is cool, I doubt any of them really understand it all that well.

Tech-friendly people like us might understand the advantages of the phone's new features, and I'm suggesting that the longer period between device releases played a factor in the significantly larger sales growth.

I don't think Jobs's death had any bearing whatsoever on iPhone 4S sales.

You're still taking this too personally. It's not his death that increased sales, it was the coverage his death received. It was front page news all over the country. The networks interrupted shows like Jeopardy to announce the news, give a quick summary of the man's life, and briefly mention things like "...Apple, which announced their new iPhone this week..." You honestly don't think that drew attention to the product?

I'm sure the 4S would have sold just as well or better than the 4 did over the same time span, because the smartphone market is growing as a whole. I was merely trying to speculate why this model was selling beyond what might have been expected, considering it's not the leap in design that some people - justified or not - might expect.

You seem to be hearing all my statements as "if Jobs hadn't died Apple would have sold 200 units of the iPhone 4S." I never said anything of the sort.