There's no need to try to insult people who have opposing views just because you can't come up with any significant or concrete evidence for your point of view.

As for children being killed by guns, it's a terrible tragedy but there's not much you can do except for making sure it doesn't happen to your children. I would bet that there are more children hit by cars while crossing the road every year than there are shot by guns. Should we get rid of roads so children won't try to cross them? No. You teach your child to look both ways or to not cross the road at all.

And while we're banning guns and roads, we might aswell ban small, choke-able objects, anything sharp, trains (so they don't wreck), houses (fire hazard), anything that can be used as a strangling device, pillows (suffocation), bath tubs (drown prevention), stoves (burns), food (could be poisoned)....In fact why don't we just invent a drug that will vegetablize a human being for life while he sits in a padded chair, fed intravenously. There will be no pain, no suffering, no war, no death. We will all be able to live out our lives in peace without a care in the world. Face the truth, a human being is not capable of taking care of himself. We are too stupid to make logical decisions such as keeping a gun from a child. It is necessary to have a government to tell us what is right, what is wrong, what is safe, and what is unsafe. We can not trust ourselves. We might do something illogical like shooting ourselves with a gun. But it won't be our fault. It's the guns fault. The government must protect us from these perilous devices.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Amendment II
U.S. Constitution

It is hard to believe some people are misinterpreting the second amendment. It's obvious that the framers of the constitution were refering to the limbs protruding out of the shoulders, not weapons.