We are too stupid to make logical decisions such as keeping a gun from a child

Yes, that would appear to be the unfortunate truth.

I think you need you actually read Jim's post more carefully. If you had you would have appreciated the humour in it, and also the fact that his statements were fairly balanced - he reserved his rhetoric for those who most deserved it on both sides of the debate.

And a point of view does not need any evidence whatsoever. It is purely one persons perspective. Now if I were to make some factual statements, then I'd need to back them up with evidence. If I were to discourse on how so many 'Myths' were purely myths, and why, I'd better be able to provide evidence. But, then again, I'd probably start by crediting the source of the information first. I have to confess that I stopped reading after your first post - it was taking too long, and it was quite obvious that it was purely a cut&paste regurgitation of NRA-slanted rhetoric which turned me off completely. And then I had to scroll down past God-Knows-How-Many more posts of the same. I'd much rather read something that showed an original line of reasoning than something that shows what a party-hack you are.

And while we're banning guns and roads, we might aswell ban small, choke-able objects, anything sharp, trains (so they don't wreck), houses (fire hazard), anything that can be used as a strangling device, pillows (suffocation), bath tubs (drown prevention), stoves (burns), food (could be poisoned)....In fact why don't we just invent a drug that will vegetablize a human being for life while he sits in a padded chair, fed intravenously. There will be no pain, no suffering, no war, no death. We will all be able to live out our lives in peace without a care in the world. Face the truth, a human being is not capable of taking care of himself. We are too stupid to make logical decisions such as keeping a gun from a child. It is necessary to have a government to tell us what is right, what is wrong, what is safe, and what is unsafe. We can not trust ourselves. We might do something illogical like shooting ourselves with a gun. But it won't be our fault. It's the guns fault. The government must protect us from these perilous devices.

Re-read the thread, and you will see that no-one has suggested banning guns. You are so conditioned to get defensive to protect your rights that this fact has eluded you.
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