"you would have appreciated the humour in it"

Oh, I appreciate the humor. It was very funny.

"If I were to discourse on how so many 'Myths' were purely myths, and why, I'd better be able to provide evidence. But, then again, I'd probably start by crediting the source of the information first."

I think they backed themselves up with a whole assload of fact, and if you go to the website, all of the stats/info are cited. You see those little numbers that appear seemingly randomly inbetween the sentences in those posts? Those are footnote links on the website.

"I'd much rather read something that showed an original line of reasoning than something that shows what a party-hack you are. "

It is an original line of reasoning. Just someone else's. And one that I happen to agree with. And party-hack? What's that mean? That I'm conservative? Why aren't liberals ever 'party-hacks'? Oh yeah, because they think like you. Why is it that so many so-called liberals like yourself display pure hatred for anyone who doesn't agree with you? And then they'll go and call them 'close-minded'.

"Re-read the thread, and you will see that no-one has suggested banning guns. You are so conditioned to get defensive to protect your rights that this fact has eluded you."

Perhaps it has eluded you that guns are already banned for many on this BBS. And perhaps it has eluded you that many people DO want to ban guns. And perhaps the fact that gun-control has been an ever-increasing trend in the last few decades in the U.S. has eluded you as well.

Why don't you just stick to the subject instead of trying to intimidate people into agreeing with you through personal attacks? You sound like a school yard bully. You have passed the 6th grade haven't you? (Now we're even)