I think you're really funny too. But you should stick to the subject, and stop being so hypocritical. And there is no need for insulting everyone who has an opposing view just because you can't come up with concrete or factual evidence for your point of view. I'm not talking about what you wrote, but mostly commenting on your attitude, especially when you throw around insults and don't provide some sort of substance in your arguments instead. Neither you, nor anyone else has the right to tell me how to think, so i am not listening to you. Oops, I didn't mean to make you cry, I was kind of going for laughing. What can I say, I'm a straight-shooter. No need to be beating around any bushes. I think it is time you stop judging people on their morales, and stop stereotyping everyone who doesn't agree with you. Damn conversatives, damn literals, damn capitalismists. Anyway, what do you want? A cookie? See! You are brainwashed.


P.S. B.T.W. (what is an acryonym?) I have the right to go out there and make copies of anything I want and what I do shouldn't matter to Y3zed. ;-p