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Oh wait. In the UK, you don't even have local TV stations, or do you? They probably don't go for sensationalist news stories like that anyway. Here in the US, our local TV stations would eat that stuff right up. It'd be in the top five stories of the night on the 6 o'clock news. How's that sort of thing done in the UK?

The UK is a little too small for that, the BBC is divided into regions which have their own short news programs, everything else comes from London as part of the national news. I don't think they'd be particularly interested until someone was seriously injured, then they usually swing into action. ITV (Independant Television), until recently did more regional programming than the BBC but their continuity is now done from London as well, putting ITV in a similar position to the beeb. I think you'd probably stand a better chance of getting on ITV local news. Schools over here don't seem to be afraid of bad publicity...

Andy M