As previously mentioned, here is the letter we handed to the headteacher and classteacher last Friday:

Dear <headmaster>

As we are sure you are aware, <ourson> has unfortunately had difficulties in school recently with DP.

We are confident that both you and <classteacher> share our optimism that this matter can be resolved satisfactorily. To this end, we have briefly outlined some of the events that have taken place recently:

• Friday 17th January: In the cloakroom at home time, <ourson> was dragged by his hair down onto the floor and punched in the body repeatedly. A nearby parent saw the incident and intervened.

• Tuesday 21st January: While the children were grouping on the carpet, DP approached <ourson> and shoved him over. Then, with a pair of pointed scissors, gestured towards <ourson> in a threatening manner.

• Wednesday 22nd January: In the computer suite DP approached <ourson> holding his literacy book and struck him around the head with it.

On two separate occasions during class that day DP asked openly “Is it time to kill <ourson> yet?”.

• Thursday 23 rd January: After hanging up his coat upon arrival at school, <ourson> was prevented from leaving the cloakroom area by DP purposefully obstructing his exit.

<ourson> is now feeling increasingly threatened and at times emotional as a result of DP’s behaviour.

<classteacher> has kindly offered to speak with you on this matter and discuss it further with us on Monday afternoon. In view of the escalating situation we feel that, if possible, it would be beneficial if you could attend although we appreciate that this is short notice.

We look forward to meeting with you soon.