3248 5534 2295 4054 - I'm a bit disappointed they went with this setup again for their online strategy. Unless I write this down and put it in my wallet, I can't have other people add me easily. I'm probably just too used to how the 360 does the online friends list, and also now how the PS3 does as well.
Just had two friends over and we had a blast with several of the minigames on Super Monkey Ball. I'm not going to start on Twilight Princess though until I wrap up my progress on Wind Waker.
Backwards compatibility has two issues I see so far. Games like Mario Kart that can use the ethernet adapter on the GameCube see no such ability to use the Wii's connection (at least wireless). This seems to be similar to how Game Boy Advance games played in the DS cannot link to each other. And second, my import copy of Sonic CD won't run. I can use the Action Replay to still load it, and most of the other games work, but attempting to start Sonic CD displays an error about there being a problem with the Gamecube and it locks the Wii.
I'd also like to see the Wii menus be navigable via the GameCube controller. That way I can play a Gamecube or classic game without touching the Wiimote.
As an all around system though, I'm pretty happy. Looking forward to seeing what more developers do with it, and I'm glad it still proves Nintendo can compete in an environment where Sony and Microsoft are willing to throw money away to participate. As far as I can tell, the Wii pretty much sold out today, so initial demand looks good.