I haven't added you, yet. The online store worked great for me at my girlfriend's. And her wireless tends to blow. Once I got it home I got the wireless configured and the tests came back positive but the online store does exactly what you said. I did manage to get Sonice the Hedgehog for Genesis off of the store from my girlfriend's. Didn't the first Sonic game allow you to charge your spin? I don't have a classic controller, maybe that's it. Every time I crouch and press a button to spin him he just jumps.
My Wii purchasing experience was awesome. I couldn't get off work to go to the store that I wanted to preorder from. The manager there is a guy I know and he was nice enough to put myself and friends into the system as cash purchases before the store opened. Later in the day one of my friends went over with some cash and retrieved the preorders for us all. That store did a midnight opening. I got there at 11:50 and walked out of the store at 12:02 with my Wii in hand. Total effort time of about 30 minutes (That's counting the drive to the store and back).