The more I read about it, the more I think the organizers of the contest should be drawn and quartered. One of the articles I read said that the station spokesman said something like "we are awaiting information about how this tragedy could have happened" or some such.
Now, I admit, I didn't know about water intoxication before reading the news article. But you'd think the station would've had the good sense to ask a doctor what the possible risks were.
This is one of the situations where I think a big fat lawsuit is justified. I'm sure it's coming, I'm sure the station is going to settle out of court as soon as they realize how negligent they were, and I hope that poor sweet lady's family gets an obscenely gigantic sum.
To get back to the darwin question: I don't think the lady deserves the award. She stopped participating in the contest when she started feeling badly. She wasn't being stupid: Water intoxication isn't something that's widely known about. It was up to the radio station promoters to keep the contestants safe. They should have had a doctor present.