"How Do you Stop an Exploding Man?"
Apparently you don't! You fly him off (more on that later).
The finale was pretty good, but I have some criticisms. I'm sure that if Parkman could talk at the end, he'd say "yeah, thanks kid, I'm your hero. mind if the paramedics take me to the hospital so they can fish the 5 bullets out of me?" I also thought it was odd how Claire seems to have no concern for Peter and just leaves. I'm assuming that he survives, but she isn't, even though her father and grandmother seemed to have confidence that he would.
I guess Sylar knew that he had to get stabbed, because there was nothing stealthy about how Hiro went about it. Sylar could have easily stopped him. I'm a little disappointed they didn't wrap his storyline up. I was also pretty disappointed that there wasn't more of a showdown between Peter and Sylar. Peter didn't even appear to use a single previous power on him. In fact, the only thing Peter seemed to use on Sylar was Niki's strength, which he appeared to gain that moment.
Some other interesting things:
I don't know why this hasn't come up in our discussions, but ever since it was indicated that Peter was the bomb I've been wondering why, when he knows he'll go off, he doesn't just fly away somewhere. Well, now it certainly seems that at the moment, he can only use one power at a time. Or perhaps he hasn't trained himself enough yet.
Either Candice was lying to mess with Micah's head, or she's kept up her standard illusion so long it's ingrained in her. When Niki knocked her out, I was excited to see her turn into some fat guy. Nope, just Missy (not that I'm complaining about seeing Missy again).
I guess they're setting up next season's "big bad" with all of Molly's talk about the one person she's scared of finding. But that makes me wonder - how did she know to look for him in the first place? Does the company know about a super evil baddie?
That's all I can think of to talk about for now. Must sleep. I had to post and get all my thoughts out before I forgot them

I'm sure I forgot something though.