Can a Linux server be setup nowadays without having to use the terminal (too much)?

The "terminal" is usually the *easy* way to do complex things. But if you really prefer mousey methods, then yes, that's actually the default "in your face" mode of most major Linux distros now. Many of them even go to the extreme of making it somewhat difficult to even find a "terminal" window. Which apparently pleases review columnists, but peeves the heck of out me!

Does Linux support hibernation/wake-on-lan?

Yes. For hibernation, you may have to enable it (default is usually "off").
Wake-on-LAN is commonplace, but I don't know if there's a GUI to configure it.

Can it be used also for media files streaming as well as simple file serving? (which is -granted- almost the same thing).

Look at your empeg running Hijack -- it "streams" mp3 to your PC/whatever, and it's not even a fancy full-fledged Linux distro!

But I don't know much about "complexifying" things that ought to be simple, so I suppose the answer depends more upon what the client software expects (my clients here are all using Linux).

Could you point me towards a faq or a how-to of some sort which could help me with this?

By far the best way is to have a mate drop over and help out initially. That really shortens the learning curve. I'd offer to, but I suspect we live far far away from each other.

Every major Linux distro includes thousands upon thousands of pages of "HOW-TO" documents, user manuals, help files, etc..

Which nobody ever seems to look at.
