
I had already worked out that GNOME was not the best choice to make, so I wanted to use KDE. (even though GNOME comes with most of the software I'm used to currently, like Firefox eg., but I'm sure those apps will run fine on KDE as well). So when I choose an out-of-the-box solution, there's really only Suse and Kubuntu to choose from. (well, when it comes to the 'big distro names anyway) Since Kubuntu is still the 'little brother' of Ubuntu, I had already decided I was going to go with Suse.

Well, you certainly know a lot about stuff already, it seems!

Myself, I just cannot live with GNOME, despite trying to. With each new Ubuntu release, I install the GNOME version first, and try to live with it for a day. Usually, within an hour I'm just too frustrated (now I know what windows users feel like, sort of), and have to issue this command:

apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

That one command will pull down a few hundred megabytes of software, install it, configure it, and leave me with a choice of Kubuntu(KDE) and Ubuntu(GNOME) afterwards. I believe it only asks a single question of the user during all of that.

After doing that, I can log out, and log in again with KDE instead of GNOME. And yes, Kubuntu *is* the poor second cousin of Ubuntu. Under the hood things are the same, but the level of integration in Kubuntu(KDE) is not nearly as good as that in Ubuntu(GNOME).

So, good choice going with Suse. And good for other reasons too, as it is extremely popular in Europe. So you are more likely to find others who also use it.

There are Linux User Groups (LUGs) in most cities in the world, so you could google for one near your home and try contacting them for help -- odds are good that somebody might volunteer to drop by and help out initially.


Edited by mlord (26/10/2007 14:59)