After a week of using my N4, I'm prepared to say that Betteridge's Law holds, and that the answer to the question I posed in this topic is "no."

I did find myself briefly intrigued by the new "Google Edition" of the HTC One, which looks pretty sweet, but just like the Galaxy S4 Google Edition, I can't see spending all that extra coin for an aluminum body with a few extra bells and whistles. The HTC One's screen is higher-res, but on a 5 inch screen, who cares? Faster CPU? Heck, I know I upgraded from a pretty dated phone, so maybe my perception is off, but I haven't had any noticeable lag using my N4, and it's not like I'm going to be encoding videos on it or anything. Twice the internal storage -- okay, that's nice to have, but is it worth $250? I don't think so. And no wireless charging -- I think that's just about a dealbreaker for me at this point. Oh, how I've missed wireless charging!

Data speeds are very solid for me around here. I'm getting HSPDA+ just about everywhere I've tried, and haven't had any major hiccups streaming high-quality audio or Slingboxing. I've used about 400mb of data in the first week, which puts me in a pretty good spot to stay under my 5GB/month limit if that reflects an average week. I'm sure I'll go over some months and be sad with the throttling, but I feel like I can manage.

Did some light tethering over the last couple of days, and no nastygrams or walled garden pages from T-mo. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Also ordered one of those OwlPad/CarPad combos, which probably won't show up for another week or two since they're coming from overseas. I'll probably end up getting a wireless charging orb for my nightstand, and maybe one more for the living room if they ever go on sale.

So yeah, everything's looking great. No buyer's remorse at all.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff