Thanks for the update, Tony. I'm really glad to hear about your experiences with it, and you're really making me want to pick one up.
For me, I was actually disagreeing with everything you said about the "Nexus" HTC One, until you mentioned the wireless charging. Unless the One sees some pretty great accessories from HTC (and they did make some good ones for my Nexus One), I really need some sort of docking solution, and that wireless orb for the Nexus 4 is calling to me.
To me, the build quality of the HTC One actually
is worth the extra money. When we asked the same question here about the S4 I said it absolutely wasn't worth the extra money, but that's because Samsung makes crap phones made of cheap plastic. The HTC One is the only phone I've heard people ever speak of on levels even approaching the iPhone, and even though it's not there yet, it's pretty close. That, plus the great camera have me so very tempted to plunk down the extra cash.
...too bad houses are such damn money pits...