I've never received an error message pop up, but I just plugged it up via serial and received this error:

i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: device select failed

Then, upon several reboots, it printed out

i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: device select failed
Fan control error; disabling

and showed the fan control error popup for the first time (that I've noticed at least, which given it's frequency now seems to point to the fact that I've never noticed it =), so it seems that sometimes it doesn't get to the stage of printing out that error and triggering the pop up.

I'm on Hijack 413 on a MkIIa (no idea why I haven't updated in ages). I've rebooted 15 times at least and it has printed that message every time, sometimes with the "Fan control error" line, sometimes not.

AFTER upgrading to hijack435+, I get the following:

i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: command issue failed
Fan control error, retrying
i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: command issue failed
Fan control error, retrying
i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: device select failed
Fan control error, retrying
i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: device select failed
Fan control error, retrying
i2c: Failed to receive ACK for data!
i2c_write8: device select failed
Fan control error; disabling

So now I can't get it to work at all, after about 20 reboots. I guess that one time I noticed it working was a fluke?

No worries, I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Again, thanks to both of you for working on this!
|| loren ||