I would have though it pretty obvious that Apple had thoroughly tested the antenna design before producing millions of them but maybe not.
They were totally going to test that, but in the middle of doing so there was this thing with a bar...

But seriously, wasn't that guy someone who worked in the antenna department?
I played with a new iPhone for about 80 seconds tonight. A friend at a show we went to had one, and the screen is definitely very very nice and it's extremely hard to distinguish pixels even up close. The phone was snappy, and the camera was noticeably faster than my wife's 3G.
The only negative I could gleam in such a short hands-on was that I don't like the feel of it in my hand as much as the 3GS. It's not that I missed the curved back, but the sides definitely don't feel as nice.
The Droid X is a pretty cool phone. As much as I'd love that big screen, though, I think I prefer the size of the Incredible/Nexus One a little more. It's sort of the sweet spot for me. Mostly I'm just happy that Android devices are reaching a point where there's decent selection of good hardware. Now we'll just have to wait and see when they catch up to some of the specs that Apple just dropped with the iPhone 4