I was just at an Apple store today to get a new power supply for my MacBook - the "old" one died last night and I've been unable to use my computer since yesterday. Luckily I managed to squeeze into a Genius bar appointment.
Anyway, I spent a few minutes with the new iPhone. The new model makes all the old ones feel positively crap in your hand. It looks and feels amazing, completely unlike every other phone I've ever held. The difference in build quality between the iPhone 4 and every other mass-market mobile on the is astounding. There's simply nothing that even comes close that I've ever seen (or heard of) - nothing out of Japan or Korea and nothing out of Finland. This is the little pig's brick shithouse whereas most other phones are the straw house or for a few select models, the wood/stick house.
It's still not worth $800 to me though.

I'd buy one for $350 unlocked in a heartbeat.
There was a long lineup outside the store (in a mall) but I'm not sure exactly what they were waiting for. Or when they'd be serviced. The iPhone 4 is sold out at every Apple store locally as far as I know, and none of the carrier-branded stores or other cell stores have them either. I don't think the antenna is a factor that seems to be affecting sales in an appreciable manner.