Other phones having issues is no justification for the issues with the iPhone. However, this was all being reported as, "the iPhone 4 has a fatal flaw that no other phone in history has ever had" - which is complete BS.

iPhone 4 comes out in Canada on July 30th. I'd like one. I will not sign a contract with the Canadian piss-poor carriers for any phone however. If I can get one at a reasonable price contract-free then I'm going to jump on it.

There just isn't enough volume of noise to indicate this problem affects even close to half the iPhone 4 population out there. NOte that I didn't say that not all iPhones are affected. This is a design issue, so all the phones are susceptible, but not all customers are going to see it due to where and how they'll use the phones. I have some insight on how product complaints go, having been on both sides of the business a few times. Any number of negative comments will always seem overpower the positive.

You should take your phone back and take back the micro SIM. Since that SIM is for the iPhone, your carrier will have to take it back, especially after Apple has already announced an official return policy and the fact that the phone does have the potential for problems.
Twisted Melon : Fine Mac OS Software