I'm not sure about the wood, really. I mean... personally, I love it. To me, it looks like a finely-made acoustic guitar. But I've never seen anyone on the slopes with something like that. Everyone else has 1337 graphics and such on their boards. I wanted something different, and this certainly is different.

I saw a photo of somebody using a wood-type board only this week. I forget what site but noticed it because they are pretty unusual (not that I've been on the slopes since I was at school).

My boss is currently in Chamonix at the moment (skiing), it was icy when he got there, then it snowed for several days and I think they have now got some serious days in. edit: He just called in and apprently they have LOTS of snow but not much sun.

Meanwhile back the the office (just me here) it's just cold and rainy!


Edited by g_attrill (24/01/2005 15:42)