Oh. And another thing:

As you're learning to make turns, what you find is that fear is your greatest enemy.

Once you start to get your balance and start learning to turn, what you quickly discover is that in order to change your turn direction, you need to aim the board downhill and start going fast.

And of course, fast scares you if you're not confident on the board yet.

So what you want to start concentrating on is getting over that fear. Embrace that vertigo in the pit of your stomach, and just DIVE INTO THAT F*CKING TURN. Once you start moving straight down the hill, it's fairly easy to curve into a turn quickly, and once you're turning you can dig in as hard as you need to for slowing down or going sideways across the hill.

In other words, changing your turn direction seems like it would make you go fast, but if you just get over yourself and just DO it, then you still have complete control over your speed and you really didn't have anything to be afraid of in the first place.

Just get over that fear of the downward dive and you'll have won 99 percent of the battle.
Tony Fabris