By "centered", do you mean centered on the mount-holes based on that center mark you described, or, do you mean measurably centered between the tip and the tail of the board?

Weeeelll, I meant centered on the mounting inserts.

BUT, measuring from the tip and the tail to the center points doesn't tell you how far away you are from the center of the effective edge (the place on the board that comes into contact with the snow). The board you have, like most others on the market, is directional - it has a tip and tail that are not identical. Some board manufacturers used to set the center of their inserts 1" from the center of the effective edge as a kind of standard, not sure if that is still in use today.

Short story: go with the center marks and adjust from there. If you are in buried-to-your-neck powder, set them back so you won't have to work at keeping your nose up the whole time.
Mark Cushman