My only remaining issue with my stance setup is a slightly nagging problem where the pinky toe on my right foot (goofy foot forward) stayed numb most of the day. I don't think it was related to the tightness of the boot, because I loosened it and loosened the straps on the binding and it didn't change.

This happens to me if I don't loosen my binding up when I'm riding the lift, maybe the pressure of the board on your front foot is too much. I loosen up my front binding a few clicks before getting on the lift, and rest the tail of my board on my rear foot (chews up my laces a bit, though). You could go to a qualified ski boot fitter and they might be able to help you out too, they usually shape the liner of ski boots to relieve pressure points. I think your boot liner can be sculpted the same way.

I once bought a new pair of boots, tried them on in the store and everything felt fine. I took them out riding the next day and felt some extreme pressure on my left toes. I'd primarily tested the right boot for fit, and since it was basically the same product (different year) as what I had ridden for the past few years, I didn't walk around on the left boot in the store. I went down to the lodge and discovered that some packing material was lodged between the liner and the outer boot down near the front of the boot!
Mark Cushman