There is simply no way that someone could have writen these "bad enough to be discovered" and the "hopes CBS ignores how bad they are until after they goto air." In order for your theory to work, Rove would have had to know that CBS would drop the ball and that's not possible. The risk of being caught far out weigh the benefits.

Don't form the idea that I am trying to convince anyone that Burkett didn't fabricate these, but the point of my poll is to keep open consideration of other options given the surprisingly fortuitous results for some.

Burkett, I hear, now says that he pressed CBS to validate the faxes. Liar? Not liar? I don't know. If I was familiar with the Texas political landscape including Burkett's long-standing grievance, how difficult would it be to craft forged memos and drop them in the mail with complete anonymity to Burkett: "Bill, I appreciate your struggle. Here are some things I think you'd be interested in. I can't come forward publically because my family blah, blah blah....."

Burkett come forward and is instantly discredited? Win
CBS (blind fools) comes forward and is discredited? Win

Why on earth would a campaign manager choose NOW to do something like this for a story that won't stick when his candidate already has a double digit lead in several polls? Again, you have to throw all of this out the window for this to work.

No not really. I don't know what their pollsters tell them. Maybe they tell Rove that the 30+ year-old Navy-versus-TANG is one of the few areas they need to focus on to drop Kerry in battleground states.

I really think the thing that is going to kill Kerry's chance is when the swifties bring up Kerry's testimony against the war and his meetings in Paris with the Viet Cong.

Who will the SBVFT crop out of the picture or edit out of the videotape this time? Henry Kissinger?

(It's actually started already, but nobody is listening yet).

Methinks I am not listening to the right radio stations.

It's kinda funny how Ashcroft was the Darth Vader back in the day, then it was Rumsfeld, then Cheney. Now "Karl Rove" is this evil mastermind.

You are saying that because I am mentioning poliical strategist Rove -- the producer/director of "John McCain's Black Baby!" -- in the appropriate home-stretch election context, that I have somehow forgotten about all of the other evil, arrogant bastards you have mentioned? Looks like some sort of a straw man or misdirection to me.

I think the root of this is that it's hard for you to believe that someone on "your side" was dumb enough to do this and that it is going to backfire so badly on Kerry's chance to win. Seriously, that's a hard pill to swallow. Oh the irony!

Double-spaced telegram to Brad: CBS, Burkett, Kerry and the DNC aren't on "my side".

I think you'd have a better case saying that Bush started the hurricanes

Straw man. I can say with confidence that Bush did not start the recent hurricanes. He started something much worse.

I really don't see the relation here. Last I heard this was under investigation and to be honest, the only person that can end this is Novak.

Novak, oh or that guy who is supposed to be in charge and who *says* he is interested in getting to the bottom of it, but who would, in reality, enjoy the product of his people's criminal activity. No firings of the loyal in this White House.

Just because I prefer to believe a theory that actually makes sense

The "Burkett done it" theory is plausible, but I am not sure I am going to get too attached to any particular theory quite yet.

and doesn't require dozens of uncontrollable circumstances to fall into place perfectly doesn't make me naive.

Dozens of uncontrollable circumstances? No. Just a no-lose/could-win roll of the dice. See above.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.