We've already addressed how there is a double standard against any white person from doing this. Because of certain dark parts of our history, this sounds too much like white superiority.

As opposed to say the crusades, witch burning, overzealous missionaries destroying native cultures, the KKK (predominantly very religious people), and all the other injustices perpetrated by religious groups or people?

A more fair example would be is it wrong for someone to put "black and proud" or "vegetarian owned" on a business card.

And I would find those objectionable as well on most business cards. I don't print my shirt size on my business card so why should you print your culinary habits on yours? Its an issue of relevancy (or lack thereof). Unless the issue is relevant to your business than the only logical assumption is that you are trying to sway people with similar beliefs, tastes, whatever to do business with you.

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