As to artists who travel back and forth between Christian-related songs and ones that are secular -- I find artists who pigeonhole themselves to be artistically reprehensible.
Well, let me clear this up. What I don’t like about the Montgomery song mentioned earlier is largely what you don’t like about fish on business cards. It seems like a “let me get sentimental about faith” kind of song to simply appeal to people who are religious. I could be wrong; I really don’t know his motives. But I don’t like when people kind of attach spirituality in an attempt to gain respect or a following. Talk about waffling! I guess I’m on the other side now. I suppose I don’t get the feeling that this song is an honest expression, and that bothers me.

As for other artists who do some spiritual stuff and other songs not, I think that’s cool. One of my favorite artists, David Wilcox, is excellent at that. I like U2, am not a big fan of Amy Grant, and have various feelings about the other “crossover” artists. But, as I’m sure you know, I also like plenty of music like Rush that doesn’t line up with Christianity at all. In general, I like music that is honest and deals with the convictions of the artist. Sometimes lyrics are just garbage and I like it because the music itself is great.

Why have you chosen to only ever do one thing?
Because that’s all that comes out. I’ve honestly tried to write other stuff, but when I speak it’s about my closest held beliefs. I also must admit that I view the purpose of my music as greater than just writing songs, however I wouldn’t stifle a “non-spiritual” song just because it doesn’t mention God. I know of numerous examples of artists who I respect who’ve written songs without “God, Jesus, Holy Spirit” in them. I just haven’t written any (I am not a very subtle person, so I think that accounts for a lot of this). However, in the end whatever I write I will try to make as honest an expression as possible because that’s the reason I love to write and play- it’s a way to express myself.

So let me ask you, what is it that you find reprehensible about being singing only music about faith?
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.