To both you and Bitt. I'm not really sure what you're saying here. I wasn't justifying the double standard against whites, I was just pointing to its cause. Both of you seem quite comfortable lumping all Christians together because of such things as the Crusades and witch burning. Is that how you see me? A witch burning Crusader? I mean what are you trying to say? Any of us could give bad examples of any cultural group that some would use as justification for prejudice. Is that what you're trying to do here? It just amazes me how so many of you feel so comfortable looking down on Christians or putting thoughts or intentions in our heads. Is that all I am to you? Are we just going to sit here throwing examples and counter examples at one another? Is it even worth me communicating to any of you or do you conclude that I must be Christian so I must in some way be trying to use exclusionary tactics to either sway people over to my belief system or only reach out to people that share the same faith as me because why else would I have ever mentioned that I'm Christian?

This is really getting out of control here. Is your ideal world some sort of grey colored mix where nobody can identify themselves as anything or take pride in anything without being perceived as trying to offend of exclude a group that does not match that desciption?

I think I'm done with Off Topic for a few months.
Brad B.