I'm assuming the desktop version is optimized for desktops, that now commonly have at least a gig of memory, fastish processor and so on. While Safari on the iPad is decent, it still has far less resources compared to a desktop or even a net book. Out of curiosity, how well does google reader work in desktop mode in the Nexus One?
Not at all, sir!

However, the Nexus One doesn't have "the best browsing experience of all time." Plus, it's a cell phone, and I'd want more screen area to view the stories in.
I haven't dug into the code much, but it feels like google reader is using javascript for scrolling instead of letting the browser handle it, hence the need for two fingers to scroll.
I thought it might be something like that. I think they do that for two reasons: First, as you scroll it marks things as read, and second, because you might have hundreds of unread news posts, it only loads a certain amount at first, and loads more after you've scrolled past a few stories. Both of these could also contribute to the slower speed. Unfortunately, both of these are reasons why I love that view.
If you do go with an ipad or other tablet, look for a dedicated app. I see 9 ipad specific ones searching the app store for "google reader".
The main problem with this, and the reason why Apple and any non-Google device would be out of the question (if I couldn't use the site), is that I simply do not give any web site or application my Google login. It's simply too valuable to me. There are apps on the Android platform that require the login, but there are some that don't. I believe those apps talk to the OS in a manner which gains them access to the account without knowing the login information. I don't know if that's a worry as well, but it makes me feel a little safer. Ideally Google would release an app for Reader themselves, but I guess they feel the mobile site is enough. It's okay, but nothing, IMO, matches the full experience...
So in the end, I don't really blame the iPad, but I would still say that it's another case where I'm not getting the full web browsing experience, and it's on my second-most used site (after GMail).