I agree that Microsoft was (and probably still is) far worse than Apple in its abuse of power. To be blunt, what Microsoft did was almost certainly illegal, whereas what Apple is doing is almost certainly not.

That said, I don't have to like Apple trying to force people to its will. I'll admit that it's potentially a somewhat hypocritical viewpoint, but I feel that there's a big difference between an underdog sticking to its guns and the leader forcing everyone to its will. From the perspective of the underdog that becomes the leader, there's no change, but for everyone else there is.

As far as the image doctoring goes, I'm going to have to side with Caleb. Yes, doctoring images in this nature is commonplace in advertising. However, in most cases, the accompanying text is something of the nature of "Hey, look! It can play movies!" In this case, their accompanying text is "The best way to experience … video. Hands Down." It doesn't even qualify it as the best way to experience video on a mobile/handheld device. (Though I think we can assume that's what they meant.) As such, I think an accurate representation of the experience is not unwarranted.

The weird thing to me is: surely there was another scene in the movie that wouldn't have required any manipulation.
Bitt Faulk