Of course it is, he drinks the koolaid, too.

Thanks for answering for me, it saved me time in having to write a reply.
Seriously though. You really think this is the first time ever that a company has doctored an image (ever so slightly, like 20 pixels worth here to make a widescreen movie fit better into a 4:3 advertisement) and it's worth deciding the company can't be trusted. I have a hard time thinking of a company that doesn't "blatantly lie" in the same way with their commercials, product boxes and so on, including the company you work for Caleb. Doctored screenshots and movies (simulated images) are very common in the game industry. And the movie industry, and TV industry, and food industry, and car industry, and, well, I could keep going. But yet again, because Apple did it, stop the presses and burn them at the stake. That punch in kindergarden must have been very memorable, maybe he stole everyones lunch money too.
Again, I just have a hard time understanding why people hold Apple in a different light then everyone else when it comes to their actions. I get the popularity part, fine. It's popular to pick on the company that is doing things well and is successful due to it. But is that really the reason? At least when Microsoft was popular due to illegal actions, I had major reasons to burn them at the stake, and not some simple photoshop in an ad. If anything, my reason for disliking Apple today would be over the antenna design flaw on the iPhone 4, something tangible.
So back to the original issue- Apple has already show me they are less than honest in there desire to move product. It scares me more than anything M$ has ever done, and yet I'm continuing to drink their Koolaid because the iPhone is one of the far and away best products I've ever owned, and the iPhone/iPod/Apple TV integration is a pretty powerful setup in our household.
Apple scares me far less then Microsoft did in the 90s, though it's all due to perspective and my position in the PC industry when Microsoft was rampaging. Sure, Apple is doing everything it can to shift people away from plugins, but in a legal way by showing an alternative and sticking with it on their own products in a non monopoly environment. If you don't like the choice, buy something else, it's that simple. Microsoft in the 90s had the power to force every PC company into doing what they wanted, and did so many many times illegally. Gateway did a simple thing of offering consumers choice between Netscape and IE on Gateway computers (not Microsoft computers), and was punished hard for that action. Even worse, Gateway was punished before this choice by simply using Netscape internally. Microsoft forced PC companies to buy Windows illegally. If I wanted a computer preloaded with OS/2 Warp, I was still paying money to the PC maker for a copy of Windows I never got. But yet Apple scares people more? Again, at least with Apple, their actions are confined to their own products in their own segment of the market. Microsoft had control over the entire industry and had many companies dancing to their demands. I'll take a 20 pixel photoshop of a movie on a device over having to pay for something I didn't want and losing choice.