Look at the designs. This has nothing to do with the stylus-less hand-held concept in general. There are plenty of cars on the road, you don't see GM nor Ford releasing cars that are exact copies of the iconic Porsche body style, do you?
Apple has been designing phones for the likes of Samsung, Motorola, HTC and others since 2007 and now apparently they've been designing all the world's new hand held tablet computers.
There are 1001 ways to design and style a product. These derivative and lazy companies obviously find it much easier simply to pilfer Apple's design prowess than to come up with something on their own. Some of these physical designs are missing only the Apple logo. IMO, it's totally shameful and no better than the out-right knock-offs. These products are nothing more than Fiero-powered Ferrari-skinned kit cars.
It's also what I said would happen all along, that if anyone was going to establish this market it was going to be Apple. Everyone else is just along for the ride. There's no innovation anywhere else, not in software and obviously not in hardware. Apple doesn't need to be the only one innovating here. They don't necessarily need to have the best product. They always leave room for improvement, but no one seems to ever be able to go to the next level. Damn, the industry sucks.
L@@K, another bloody Korean iPadedit: corrected some typos.