? The LCDs on the 3GS and 4 are 24 bit native. Not every LCD has to dither to get 24 bit.
Um, I know I'm talking to someone far more knowledgeable about this than I am, but I'm pretty sure that the 3GS has an 18-bit display. Not that I think it makes a lick of difference.
Regardless, my point is that the color depth of the N1's display is not sub-par. It's not top-of-the-line as compared to every flat-panel display available, but it's far from bad, and has the same depth as the vast majority of flat-panel displays as a whole. Ultimately, my point is that those goobers at Displaymate, who claim to be display tech experts, are seemingly unaware that 18-bit displays are the norm, mistook an obvious rendering problem for a display problem, and made a mountain out of
a molehill a perfectly flat field.