Are there any pics of those bindings in action? I didn't see anything on the page and I'm having some trouble working out how the back folds down enough to let you slide your boot in (ie, it looks like it still has a rear hoop).

Arbor board. Mmmm. I suggest you get a board lock to ensure that your board is still there when you come out after lunch! I was considering an Arbor Element for a while too, seems to have had some good writeups. Still, I love my Custom with the neons under the rear tip...

I thought Tahoe still had shedloads of snow? A few friends just came back from Ferney in Canada and after 9 days of gorgeous snow, it rained solidly for 3 days and pretty much washed the mountain away - no snow left, just mud. Looks like Whistler has been suffering too - when they're quoting "early spring conditions" in January you know things are baaaaaaad.
