I sort of figured this was due to our (unfortunately) increasingly litigious society (the UK is getting just as bad judging by what I've read in the papers lately)

As a suggestion, perhaps after booting up in-car, if one of the buttons is pressed (I'm thinking of the top/pause button) within 30 or 45 seconds or some suitable interval, then the last displayed visual should start. Display a warning message or disclaimer or whatever, because the last thing we want is for Empeg to go under because of some court-happy nutter! Making a conscious decision to display visuals is all very well, but if you have to navigate x levels of menu to get one running, it's just way too awkward IMHO.

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Reg No. 554, s/n 00064 - It's mine I tell you.... all mine :)
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Mk1 Blue - was 4GB, now 16GB
Mk2 Red - was 12GB, now 60GB