I think we've been more responsive to client requests for changes to functionality than any other car stereo manufacturer in history. The fact we're even talking to you about this is something almost unique in this industry.

I guess all of that counts for zero, however, when we need to do something you don't much like to protect the company and the product.

If you're really going to change your mind about purchasing a player just because of this issue, then that's your decision and I can remove you from the queue right now (8438 right?). Most of our clients would have purchased a car player even if it didn't have any visuals - indeed, we get a lot of feedback from owners who had no idea how cool the visuals were until they received their player. I really don't think that having to press a button to switch them on is going to sway many people.

We try very hard to support the requests of our userbase (and of those people who haven't actually bought our product) but bullying tactics are not the most effective way to influence us. If an override for the driver safety protection issue is introduced it will be as a result of legal advice from experts in automotive litigation, not because we lose a few sales (or even a lot of sales).

> How about this for a new argument?
> I will NOT buy an empeg if I can not turn this "feature" off

That's no argument at all. If the "feature" is needed to protect the company (not to mention our clients, future resellers, installers etc) then that's our priority. If the entire market adopted your approach, and no legal alternative could be found, then I guess that would be the time for us to move on to different products. Luckily I see no chance of that happening - this is a great product and most of our clients realise that. Most new clients wouldn't even think twice about having to press a button to switch on a potentially distracting feature in the car.
