Just a quick poll. (Never done one, so bear with me.)

Right now, it looks like the price of the PCB and parts to solder to it will be around $20. What that dosn't include is: 1. The VFD. Yer on yer own for that, unless I get enough orders and ya'll want me to try and bulk-order them. 2. The ribbon cable to connect the VFD to the PCB. 3. Serial cable to connect to Empeg, 4. The external, optional +12V transformer.

Okay, now. I can do solder work, and would be willing to assemble the boards as well, but I have an option to get them ALL 'stuffed' for a small price. Tell me what ya think..

Would ya want yer board pre-assembled?
Yes, Definately!
No, I'd rather do it myself.
Depends on the price.

I should be close to getting these done, now.
Again, the board will be able to take the +12 from the sled, *OR* an external +12VDC AC adapter. It will also have a tiny switch for using a cross-over or straight-thru serial cable, and the pin header for the ribbon cable will be able to directly handle the Noritake GW128x32C-K610A display. Other displays may work or not, depending on the header config. Either way, it wouldn't be hard to adjust for a different display.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper