Okay guys.
Head on over to: Here.
Some notes that aren't on the page.. If I decide NOT to get VFD's, if you were signed up for one WITH a VFD, you'll get the same thing, without the VFD. Also, it's in no-way a contract, but it will be frowned on if you sign up, then ditch out.
Right now, without VFD, looking at about.. $30. This will include the PCB, instructions, and all components on the PCB. Things you'll have to provide are: The VFD (see above, still waffling), the serail cable/connection, and an external power supply, if you use it outside of the Empeg's sled.
(I'm also waffling on wether to throw in the ribbon cable..)

Also, please excuse the site design. I just threw it together, nevermind the Pandahead stuff.


Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper