Got a call from my roomie today saying that my package from the PCB manufacturer is in. Meaning that it's probably the final to the PCB I've been waiting for. (Second final, actually. First final had the friggin' holes too small. Impossible to DO anything with it!)

I won't be home until a week from today, and once I get home, I'm ripping the package open and then will post on here, and start taking order. *happy dance*.

Sorry for taking so, SO friggin' long (what.. 8-9 months, now?). Having never done this, I now know what NOT to do, and to do differently in the future. (If I ever have a lapse of judgement again and take on another project, that is. )

Thanks for peing paitent, ya'll!

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper