Can't be done* - the protection would have to be on the DISPLAY, not my converter board.

For example, in the display I'm uising, pin #1 is the +5v, pin 2 is the SCK. Unused in my project, but it's for Synchronous communication, which is probably unchecked for overloads going straight to the display's main CPU chip. If I was careless and put my display in backwards, +5V would go thru the SCK line, and the actual voltage line would be unconnected. (GND, on the other hand would be connected to the SO line, which is completely unmentioned in the documentation I have. Since GND isn't connected, I'm not sure if that WOULD do any damage, but.. I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Basically, a fuse, or overload protection on my converter board wouldn't be able to tell if the DISPLAY was overloaded or not, unfortunately. And there's no 'Key' position on the 10-pin header, to stop it from going in the wrong way.

* - I say it can't be done, but, of course, with enough money, they'll make a custom display that would probably protect itself better.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper