..are in, thanks to Mr. Paul.. I am currently getting the "confirm order" page up and ready.. I'll have it up monday evening, (US/EST time). The prices I posted before will be it. Displays add $100 to the price.

I will go thru the list and send e-mails out to everyone who pre-registered @ www.pandahead.com/Xcrawl/vfd_signup.php -- They will be able to order (using their original e-mail address) before others. If you want to pre, you cat at the same url. Then, once I hear from everyone who pre'd, everyone else will be allowed to order...

I get the boards in Monday, and the parts from Digikey shortly after. I'll get the (simple) instructions up as well, p[ossibly make a permanent webpage so it dosn't look like some thrown-together project , and get them out in time for the 'olidays.

Mike 'Fox' Morrey 128BPM@124MPH. Love it! 2002 BRG Mini Cooper