the only reason I even run Windows on the PVR is for the expanded support of hardware by SageTV.

Odd. Linux supports *way* more capture hardware than Windows for SageTV. But not necessarily "officially" supported by SageTV.

The best reason to use SageTV is that it is MUCH easier to set up and use for the most common situations, choosing from a limited selection of hardware tuners and remote controls. And the menus probably are much better configured by default than in MythTV.

MythTV is more confusing to set up (though not difficult with MythBuntu), and has a chaotic default menu structure. It is also confusing to configure certain common remote controls (such as the older ones that were included with the Hauppauge PVR-250 cards).

And I don't know about "media extenders", but MythTV is natively designed for external "viewing clients" (aka. "frontends").

But MythTV does have very good commercial flagging out-of-the box, works with a zillion tuner/capture devices, and can (with WORK) be customized for any scenario. Such as the multi-antenna setup here with the Frankenswitch V2, and the multiple tuners devoted to specific groups of channels in our config.

I (still) really like the look of SageTV, but it could never work for the situation here.


Edited by mlord (09/12/2008 17:23)