For the cardboard and foil version (works VERY well in attics), try post #83 (about halfway down) from
this thread.
It can be constructed quite rapidly with pliers, a hot-melt glue gun, an old cardboard box, and some foil and wire.
All of the critical (not very) dimensions are
available here.
There are even better versions on the drawing boards now, and some simple modifications can give interesting improvements in many situations (eg. use a 95mm gap between the left/right front elements).
If you were intested in meeting over the holidays (pre-xmas), I could drop by and we could build/trial one for fun some evening or whenever.
I expect to be in Toronto a week or so before Christmas, through to after Boxing Day. Just suggest a date, and supply the wine.

I would bring a balun, some coax, and F-connectors / tools to make things easy.
Or not. Whatever.
