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Any current argument about oil being a scarce resource is bunk.

Why is it then that the US spends $50 billion a year keeping it military forces in the Middle East? - mostly to "protect its (oil) interests"?

If oil is so plentiful, why is the US etc doing this?

Also, do you really think that the "war on Iraq"/Regime change will be about anything other than getting long term control of Iraqs oil supplies?

This WMD palava is a side-show to keep the folks at home away from the true facts of the matter.

As far as 1% of the worlds oil reserves being tapped - that may be true, but that 1% is the "easy to get at" oil, and the other 99% is locked in hard to extract or get at places such as tens of kilometres under the seas etc, places where they have no idea even now how to drill down to locate the oil, let alone get the oil out.
In 10 years time, maybe they might be closer to gettng at this oil.

Also note - the North Sea oil fields are running out, and in some cases have already run out.

That won't affect the US, but will put begin to put even more demand on OPEC countries to supply Europe and the US with even more oil than they do now, making the Middle East a even more strategic place than it is now.