I think it is especially rude to mention money in almost any context in the south, more so than most places. People that move here from the rest of the country do not have the same inhibitions as the locals. In areas with a lot of influx of new people, the culture seems to be changing very quickly, with people suddenly becoming increasingly concerned with status symbols.

I think a lot of the difference is not so much that people are differentiating themselves and trying to set themselves higher, but that they are doing it in a different way. It is no longer relevant that you come from a "good family" when nobody knows your family or anything about you except what they see on first glance.

Still, mention what that watch cost you, whether $5 or $500 and people are going to look at you funny. Ask somebody else what their watch cost and they are probably going to hesititate before answering, if they do at all.
