Originally Posted By: hybrid8
The subtlety of the Get A Mac ads coupled with the overt parody and individual themes is what makes those ads work IMO.

There's nothing subtle in the least with those ads.

As for the Pre ad, I'd like to share a good definition of "pretentious:"
making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction

I suppose the Pre ad comes across as a little self-important, but I kind of like the message they're trying to impart.

I have no beef with the iPhone commercials. Bruno is correct in that they pretty much serve to get across what the phone can do and how you could use it, and they do so in a nice, straightforward manner. I like them quite a bit. However, I believe they exist in this form only because the iPhone's the hit that it is. When (if) there's significant competition, we'll see what kind of advertising they trot out.

Because the word you guys are looking for when it comes to typical Apple advertising is not pretentious: it's "smug." This has been a big factor for me personally in why I've chosen to stay away from Apple products. I simply can't stand smugness.