Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.

So, it isn't just me, then? I think iTunes is ridiculously complex and unintuitive, and always thought it was because I just wasn't smart enough to use it.

No, it's not just you. I absolutely HATE iTunes. It even took me some figuring out before I could even start to use it! I never had this problem with Emplode, or with the synching software the Karma etc. (was that also Emplode - can't remember) used. That software was intuitive and simple: 1) Drag the files you want to see synched from your windows explorer into the Emplode window. 2) Hit the big Sync button. That's was it, and it worked!

I also find iTunes incredibly SLOOOOOW... Clicking from the library to 'my iPod' so I can sync takes more than 10 seconds! (and I don't have a slow computer either - it's a dual core CPU system bought last year) It'll also crash more times than not when I close the program. I can't believe this program was developed by people who also code stuff for the computer system that is said to be the easiest to use for the average consumer in the world. (I would like to point out that I have no experience whatsoever with Apple software - I can only hope the Apple version of iTunes does not have all these problems)
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